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Motocykly / YAMAHA / 250 / WR 250 R - KATALOG

Ochrana motocyklů MUC-OFF 750ml
pro YAMAHA WR 250 R

Ochrana motocyklů MUC-OFF 750ml pro YAMAHA WR 250 R
Technické informace
Skupina MUC-OFF Péče o jezdce a dílna
Popis Chraňte, udržujte a osvěžte svůj motocykl díky neuvěřitelnému účinku odpuzování vody.
Značka MUC-OFF
Použití produktů pro údržbu Ochrana
Velikost baleni (L) <1L
MOC vč. DPH 505,- CZK
Dostupnost Na skladě


If you are looking for an all-round motorcycle protectant for your motorbike - then this is it! The high concentration of P.T.F.E helps prevent dirt adhesion between washes. Motorcycle Protectant has been developed so it can be used all over your motorbike, and has an after wash corrosion inhibitor which drives out moisture and leaves a non-sticky protective layer smelling of fresh Vanilla!

It’s safe to be used on the frame, chain, metal parts, plastics, rubber and of course the paintwork itself.


  • High performance formula leaves dry, non-sticky protective film
  • For use after washing to drive out excess water
  • High concentration of PTFE prevents dirt adhesion
  • Makes an ideal winter protectant
  • Quick and easy to use

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