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Motocykly / HONDA / 1000 / VF 1000 R - KATALOG

Olejový filtr MIW (alt. HF202)
pro HONDA VF 1000 R (1984-1986)

Olejový filtr MIW (alt. HF202) pro HONDA VF 1000 R (1984-1986)
Technické informace
Skupina Olejové filtry MIW - OEM kvalita
Popis Olejový filtr MIW - Japonská OEM kvalita od roku 1975.
Značka MIW
Vhodné pro modelové roky 1984, 1985, 1986
MOC vč. DPH 249,- CZK
Dostupnost Do vyprodání zásob

Product quality

Engine protection:

The most important feature for engine protection is the “filtering ability”. This quality filter media for a motorcycle oil filters is produced by few companies worldwide. Oil filter papers are generally made of a blend of cellulose (pulp) and other types of fibers, like synthetic fibers. The introduction of synthetic fibers improves the the filtering efficiency and its resistance to high temperatures and pressure. All MIW filters meet OEM efficiency requirements in order to allow higher maintenance intervals and extended engine life.

Components of spin on filters

  1. Filter Housing.
  2. Spring (Helicoidal or Leaf Type).
  3. By pass Valve – By pass valve openingpressure. Filter Cartridge.
  4. Anti Drain Valve

mivv popisek


Ahlstrom Paper from Finland. The heart of a good filter.

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